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747: Consett Ale Works | Red Dust

20220330_174209The brewery: "Consett, sitting high and handsome on the North Pennines, was integral in firing the Industrial Revolution and built its reputation on the manufacture of steel.‘Steel Town’ once employed over 6,000 workers at its very height, making steel that constructed Blackpool Tower and launched the nations fleet of Nuclear Submarine.Our beers pay homage to this proud history...."

The beer: “Is ruby red in colour and beautifully clear with a robust, full-flavoured malt and fruit nature. Red Dust, takes its name from the cloud of Iron Oxide, emitted when the Steelworks were in production. In times now long gone, there were red clouds of the dust that would hang over the town, settling on cars and washing hung out to dry!

Another one from my caravan trip to the North-East and another very enjoyable beer indeed.

March 2022. Related entries.