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555: Colchester Brewery | Ambassador

20181227_122443The Brewery: “In 2011 three friends, with considerable experience in the brewing industry, decided that they would set up a new brewery, financed by friends and family.”…..”A lot of hard work saw the creation of the Viaduct Brewhouse, at Wakes Colne Business Centre, just north of the Chappel viaduct. Tom was adamant that he wanted to create real ale using traditional methods, and in particular the double-drop brewing process, despite the extra cost involved. All the stakeholders wanted to create the best possible brewery with beers to be proud of. The first brew - aptly named No.1 - was ready for sale by February 2012.”

Happy New Year and welcome to the first entry of 2019. Looking back at the number of entries for previous years I was clearly slacking a bit in 2018. Must do better!

No mention of this on the brewery website but - and I’ve used this phrase before - it’s a good honest session bitter. Having brown in the description might lead some to believe this might be a bit sweet but it wasn’t. A nice balance - to my palate anyway - of hops and bitterness. Nice pub too. 3.9% A.B.V

The Victoria Inn, Colchester, Essex. December 2018. entry